We have all been around those who whine. There is two main types, an external whiner and an internal whiner. The external whiner always has something to complain about and tends to have a lot of drama going on in their life. Your circle of friends has a big effect on who you become. Imam Ali (a.s) says "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." he also says "If you stay with the same group of people for 40 days you either become like them or you leave them." These individuals neglect to view and concentrate on the positives aspects of their lives. Once we decide to focus on the negatives more negatives will rise. It's also true when we decide to focus on the positives of our lives more positives will rise. God in his holy book the Quran states (99:7 That who does an atom of good shall see it). (99:8 That who does an atom of evil shall see it). Some individuals crave that attention that is given by the ones around them and feel this is an effective way to get attention and care. We need to change this learned behavior by not feeding into this type of negativity. Sometimes it's hard to focus on the good we have in our lives, because our minds are always focused on those who have more than us. Instead we need to think about those who are less fortunate and show gratitude for what we do have. Always remember how quickly all we have can be lost. We are all tried differently, I firmly believe what we are attached to most is that which we get tried with most. Our life in relation to the life after is merely a drop of water in the vast ocean. For example, when we are sick we tend to whine but we forgot about those who have cancer and have counted days left in their lives. When we can't afford the newest iPhone around we forget that their is people who don't know where their next meal is coming from. God in the Quran says talk about the good in your lives not the negatives. (93:11 and of thy Sustainer's blessings shalt thou [ever] speak). I leave you with that, and future topics are usually left to the reader, just email or inquire below any interesting discussions you may have or want clarified.